Fanfaaride ja Kostja norskamise saatel esitlen ülima ja hea meelega andeka, osava ja tuusa tekstiilikunstniku Kärt Ojavee ehk KO! uut sussiprojekti KAUN. Kaunad koguvad hetkel hoogu Hooandjas ja Uustuusal on au: Loosida kolmele alates 5€ toetajale KO! päikesetundliku disainiga patju! Lisaks läheb loosi käsitsi trükitud KO! märkmik niisama KAUN projekti laikijatele-sheerijatele. Nii et üks kaks kolm läks, võitjaid tuleb 4, auhinnad on ülituusad, aitame Kaunad turule tuua! Osalemisest andke märku siin kommentaariumis 25 päeva jooksul startides tänasega. | With a great pleasure I present to you a new slippers project KAUN by an amazing estonian textile designer Kärt Ojavee aka KO! Kaun's are collecting material startup at the local kickstarter page Hooandja and my blog has the chance to hold the awesomest giveaway. I'll draw 3 winners to get magic sunlight sensitive pillows by KO! from the startup supporters starting 5€ and 1 handprinted notebook for simply like-sharing Kaun in social media. So well have 4 winners, lets help to spread the word about Kaun! And leave a note of your participation in the comments, during the upcoming 25 days. |
Magic: pattern appearing in sunlight; Dimensions: 40 x 40 cm; Pattern: hand printed sun-sensitive (combined inks); Material: 100% silk (outer), polyester filling (pad); Care: dry cleaning; Price 65€
Every cover is uniquely hand printed, mixing different KO! designs. The set of 21 clear pages can be complemented and mixed with your own add ins. Dimensions: 23 x 17 x 2,5 cm; Price: 10€