Tonight I'm going to roll myself to the H&M spring 2014 presentation and after to the Estonian Music Awards gala, time flies, like french fries (as they become calories).
Rõõm on teatada et koju on lõpuksometi jõudnud Kadri Kruusiga koostöös loodud "Helene" seljakott FEMME kollektsioonist, mis muutub klikk-klikk lihtsa liigutusega õlakotiks, geniaalne!
Happy news, the "Helene" bag made in collab with Kadri Kruus has finally arrived home! Click-clack and a backpack turns into a tote. Genial.
Foxy Vintages on nüüd saadaval minu valik vintaaži, igati tuusad asjad, ei tasu kirbusuurust karta, erinevat kraami on ;) Pikk 9 3.korrus, Tallinna Vanalinn.
Foxy Vintage has now got my selection of vintage stuff. Here you can see 80's velvet dress, this and much for in Tallinn Old Town Pikk str 9 3.floor. Woop!
Tekitasin oma FB-sse albumi väikeste koomiksijuppidega mida aegajalt joonistan. Tuleb lihtsalt pähe mingi kahemõtteline valm ja läheb otse paberile. Ideed kuuluvad minu ajule, varastamise korral peate loobuma oma ajust.
I created a little album to my FB where I shall collect my creative doodles, double-meaning stuff appears in my mind and I just draw it. Pleas don't steal my brains creations or I'll steal your brain.
Ja kõige ilusam giveaway on siinsamas käimas, 3 valgustundlikku patja ja siiditrüki märkmik ootavad sõpru.
The prettyest giveaway is up and running here, 3 magical pillows and a silkprint notebook waiting for their owners.
Eestimaa hetkeseisuga edukaim moedisainer ja minu hää tuttav Marit Ilison pääses Festival de Mode et de Photographie in Hyères nominentide hulka ja tahan talle soovida ka edaspidiseks julgust, hullust, hullgust ja õnne! Nii et ma pakun vaatamiseks väikse popurii senistest Mariti töödest.
Some more happy news from Estonian design scene, Marit who's steps to fame I've been keeping an eye on for several years now has been selected to be a Festival de Mode et de Photographie in Hyères nominee. We are all super happy about her and wish her all the best! Here check out a set of her work so far.