Take a strawberry shower and stample your ears. I watched this Indonesian communist-killer gangsters documentary yesterday and couldn't sleep all night. I always tell Madis, pleaseee lets not watch depressing death stuff on the night before work week, but no but yes.
Movingcolor Northern Lights seinaplaadid on soojustundlikud ja vahetavad siis vastavalt veele värve! Merineitsi saba!
Movingcolor Northern Lights glass tiles change they colour with heat so when you take a shower it goes all mermaid on you!
Poola loovtandem Sainer ja Bezt, aka Etam Cru teevad sellist graffitit. Tahan ka.
Love them Etam Cru creatives from Poland. Want to have that superpower too.
Kathleen Whitaker staple stud -
Eesti Muusika Auhindade gala oli ok, käisin enne läbi H&M kevadkollektsioonist, jätsin selle omale selga ja chillisin esireas. Vinni Puhh oli ülikõva, paljud tuttvad kurtsid, et kodust oli küll igav vaadata. No mis teha, tuleb paremini teha. Ah see nädal algab mul EKA's karjäär moeosakonna õppejõuna! Soovige tuult seelikusse.
Estonian Music Awards were quite allright, got to visit H&M spring 2014 collection before and left it hanging on me. Hehe. My career as a fashion lecturer at the Art Academy starts this week. Wish me some hell of a talented students.