Marina Stanimirovic created this kewl necklace and I went to see Oksanda Tandit's new show and a brand new store at Tornimäe, we also finished teacheng a course of accesories with Tanel Veenre and I'll just show you a tiny instagram part of it, and promise that these deadly awesome designs will be availiable this fall, take my word. I lick bowls by the way.
Work hard, rest harder
Marina Stanimirovic tegi sellise tuusa ehte ja mina käisin vahepeal Oksana Tanditi moeshowl ning Tornimäes on nüüd avatud tema esinduspood ja Hiiumaal chillisin ja semestritäis Tanel Veenre ja imeliste magistrantidega sai ka õpetatud. Näitan praegu sellest vaid kübekest instagrammi, sest kogu aksessuaaride kursuse satsi saab soetada ja täpsemalt uurida alles sügisel, kuid see on tapvalt tuus, Helene ausõna. Maitsva toidu kausse lakun alati.
Marina Stanimirovic created this kewl necklace and I went to see Oksanda Tandit's new show and a brand new store at Tornimäe, we also finished teacheng a course of accesories with Tanel Veenre and I'll just show you a tiny instagram part of it, and promise that these deadly awesome designs will be availiable this fall, take my word. I lick bowls by the way.
Marina Stanimirovic created this kewl necklace and I went to see Oksanda Tandit's new show and a brand new store at Tornimäe, we also finished teacheng a course of accesories with Tanel Veenre and I'll just show you a tiny instagram part of it, and promise that these deadly awesome designs will be availiable this fall, take my word. I lick bowls by the way.