So Valentino, you think your cool or what. Oh yes you are.
Valentino pre-fall 2014 from
Aga endale tellisin Storenvyst Van Goghi ööga leggingsid ehk siis jalggatisd eestikeeli :D Ja postipoiss on kusagil lumehanges ka autoportree pusaga, võiks juba tulla, saaksin ringi sibada nagu kunstiteos. Eile oli tore pressipäev Polhemis, head soodukauba lõhna tuleb New Yorkerist nagu näiteks see stantsitud kott 14 euriga ja head uudised eesti mineraalkosmeetika maastikult Ontic kujul! Kuldsed sandaletid on Tamaris, perfektsed soki-sandaali-hipster-komboks-jaapanist-eelistatult-sätendava-sokiga.
Some of my superlate x-mas gifts for self started to arrive, first were the Van Gogh Starry Night leggings from Storenvy and next will be the portrait hoodie! Cant wait to walk around like a full on artwork. Went to the press day at Polhem yesterday, sweet as usual. Got the news on new nice mineral cosmetics Ontic from Estonia, pretty good new stuff and prices at New Yorker for example this cut bag for 14€ and some golden Tamaris shoes are coming to stores, these would be perfect for a japan styled golden sandals and sequinned socks combo!