Melting away

Samal ajal kui kogu maailm on liival või vees olen mina ja Kostik parketil, sest ta jäi haigeks ja kuuma ka ei kannata, nii et mul pole südant tema juurest põgeneda ja sümbioosis diivaniga elamegi nii. Nagu see Weston Dotty sulanud käsi on umbes tunne. Ja Oculto teos sobib ka hästi teemasse. Muide kellel pole paar sotti liigset raha, aga hullult tahaks Margiela rahakotti, siis neid ümbrikke saab postimajast mõnekümne sendiga. Läki!Simultaneously with the whole world being dipped in sand and the sea me and my Kostja pug are dipped into the floor. Baby is ill and I have no heart leaving him like this plus he hates the hot weather. So here we are having sofa as our second skin. Feels like this Weston Dotty hand or Oculto artwork. By the way if you don't have a couple a hundreds to spare on a Margiela purse you can just go get identical envelope at the post office for some change. Yep. 

Which one's Margiela? I always loved metallic bubble envelopes by the way, way da go guys.