Schilling 2013 peesitamine

Kuna Matias Aguayo oli Hetkes Schillingu eelsel õhtul väga julmalt tantsitanud, ei jaksanud ma inimese kombel Schillingul inimestega suhelda ja liikuda ringi ning enamus ajast veetsin lokatsioonis Biit putka või tekikese peal, nii et pildid on enamasti möödujate koertest ja selgadest. Aga see Samsung nx300 mis ma omale festivalide perioodiks organiseerisin on väga tubli, ma päris hästi ei oska veel ja teen automaatikaga enamasti, aga eks see osavus tuleb praktikaga.

As you could tell from the Instagram feed, Matias Aguayo gave quite a performance in Hetk, at the night before Schilling. That's why I was unable to move around and keep it active, stayed at my blanket and the Biit booth, and that's why most of the pictures I took are about dogs and peoples backs. This Samsung nx300 I got for the festival period is quite a toy, enjoyable as hell. I'm still in the practice mode and mostly shoot with automatic settings, but I'm geting there.