Why haven't I been around? I've doing mah deeds in the real world baby. Weather is swell and I'm as well. Good things happening over here. HETK is opened, a must visit foodporn-goodvibes in Tallinn, Rotermanni. Nice interior, good chef, this is how they do it. Kudos for my pals. KAROLIN KUUSIK launched her new collection, VALGUSE DISAIN (the design of light) it is beautiful, she's doing all the estonian fashion crowd proud. And it's awesome that her boyfriend Kostja is writing music for each of her collections, awesome music, almost as beautiful as a unicorn on a harp. And today was the pr-breakfast with founder of Madara organic cosmetics Lotte Tisenkopfa-Iltnere. Such an inspiration. The woman just grabbed some biochemists, designers and nordic plants and literally did it. If you don't like the gasoline-silicone stuff on your skin - just change it. And that's what she did. So the Gwyneth Paltrow is using Madara and it's sold in 25 countries. Yes to Latvia.
Miks on mind nõnda vähe olnud siin virutaalses ilmas? Aga sest et ilm on ilus ja ma olen vähem luuser kui talvel ja käin rohkem päris kohtades, nii et kui igatsus on suur, siis suurem tõenäosus on mu leide tabada Pinterestis või Instakas. Päris kujul olen ma lisaks saanud nautida mitut eriti tuusa asja. Avati HETK, Rotermannis, hea fuuds, hea kamp, hea muss, sõbrad ise ehitasid ise möllavad, peakokk on tuus. Nii peabki asju tegema. Sajale küsimusele terrassi kohta - VARSTI TULEB! Kirjutan capslokis nagu närviline inimene, kes loodab, et siis saadakse paremini aru. Siis veel KAROLIN KUUSIK - VALGUSE DISAIN. Ei vaja erilist selgitamist, hullult tore, eriti nunnu et esitlusel oli keiteringiks moekunsti sõprade koduküpsetiste valik. Kostja muusika on otpad, super, andekam kui ükssarvik harfil. Ja täna siis Läti Madara orgaanilise kosmeetika pr-hommikusöök koos brandi looja Lotte Tisenkopfa-Iltnerega. Selliseid naisi on rohkem vaja, võttis kätte, ei sallinud haisvat feik kosmeetikat, haaras biokeemikud ja disainerid kaenlasse, kõplas Läti metsas taimed ülesse ja tegi täiesti puhta kasemahlade-kummelite-haldjatolmuga kosmeetika mida kasutab Gwyneth Paltrow ja müüakse 25 riigis. Jepjepjou.
Why haven't I been around? I've doing mah deeds in the real world baby. Weather is swell and I'm as well. Good things happening over here. HETK is opened, a must visit foodporn-goodvibes in Tallinn, Rotermanni. Nice interior, good chef, this is how they do it. Kudos for my pals. KAROLIN KUUSIK launched her new collection, VALGUSE DISAIN (the design of light) it is beautiful, she's doing all the estonian fashion crowd proud. And it's awesome that her boyfriend Kostja is writing music for each of her collections, awesome music, almost as beautiful as a unicorn on a harp. And today was the pr-breakfast with founder of Madara organic cosmetics Lotte Tisenkopfa-Iltnere. Such an inspiration. The woman just grabbed some biochemists, designers and nordic plants and literally did it. If you don't like the gasoline-silicone stuff on your skin - just change it. And that's what she did. So the Gwyneth Paltrow is using Madara and it's sold in 25 countries. Yes to Latvia.
Why haven't I been around? I've doing mah deeds in the real world baby. Weather is swell and I'm as well. Good things happening over here. HETK is opened, a must visit foodporn-goodvibes in Tallinn, Rotermanni. Nice interior, good chef, this is how they do it. Kudos for my pals. KAROLIN KUUSIK launched her new collection, VALGUSE DISAIN (the design of light) it is beautiful, she's doing all the estonian fashion crowd proud. And it's awesome that her boyfriend Kostja is writing music for each of her collections, awesome music, almost as beautiful as a unicorn on a harp. And today was the pr-breakfast with founder of Madara organic cosmetics Lotte Tisenkopfa-Iltnere. Such an inspiration. The woman just grabbed some biochemists, designers and nordic plants and literally did it. If you don't like the gasoline-silicone stuff on your skin - just change it. And that's what she did. So the Gwyneth Paltrow is using Madara and it's sold in 25 countries. Yes to Latvia.