Speedspring is speeding up, not that I would be on speed or anything, loadz to do. Wanted to go to the Riga Fashion Week as I got invited and stuff but now I have to help out BiiT and Madis with the TMW business instead. Just had a shoot with beautiful Karolin Kuusik (make-up Marii Sadrak, photo Maiken Staak) for I.L.U. and found myself in Arter. Made those BiiT postcards-maps too (yep i drew the dj pug sweater boy myself), they turn into gift-cards if you use that magical temple. Took part in the Kuldmuna Ad Awards jury, was nice, nobody wanted to kill anybody. I think so.
ruttu ruttu ära mune
Kiirkevad võtab aina hoogu juurde ja hullult on vaja asju ajada. Tahtsin minna väga Riga Fashion Weekile, sest et kutsuti ja tore on, aga see jääb nüüd siis ära kuna BiiT peab omakorda TMW'd ja olen Madisele abiks. Samal ajal valmisid meil uued I.L.U. pildid Karolin Kuusikuga (make-up Marii Sadrak, foto Maiken Staak) ja hoopis mind leiab Arterist. Ja siis veel tegin sellised BiiT postkaardid (jep joonistasin dj poisi mopsikampsuniga) mis on nagu postkaardid ja juhend kuidas tulla. Ja spetsjom templiga mille ma ka tegin muutuvad nad kinkekaartideks, neid saab siis TMW ajal ja muidu ka Biidist (: Biitbiitbiit. Kuldmuna žüriis oli ka tore olla, nagu ikka, vahva kamp sattus kokku keegi kedagi ära ei tahtnud killida.
Speedspring is speeding up, not that I would be on speed or anything, loadz to do. Wanted to go to the Riga Fashion Week as I got invited and stuff but now I have to help out BiiT and Madis with the TMW business instead. Just had a shoot with beautiful Karolin Kuusik (make-up Marii Sadrak, photo Maiken Staak) for I.L.U. and found myself in Arter. Made those BiiT postcards-maps too (yep i drew the dj pug sweater boy myself), they turn into gift-cards if you use that magical temple. Took part in the Kuldmuna Ad Awards jury, was nice, nobody wanted to kill anybody. I think so.
Speedspring is speeding up, not that I would be on speed or anything, loadz to do. Wanted to go to the Riga Fashion Week as I got invited and stuff but now I have to help out BiiT and Madis with the TMW business instead. Just had a shoot with beautiful Karolin Kuusik (make-up Marii Sadrak, photo Maiken Staak) for I.L.U. and found myself in Arter. Made those BiiT postcards-maps too (yep i drew the dj pug sweater boy myself), they turn into gift-cards if you use that magical temple. Took part in the Kuldmuna Ad Awards jury, was nice, nobody wanted to kill anybody. I think so.