UTHA ON EESTIS! Ma Riias nägin neid peavarje erakordselt ultimate toreda välimusega inimestel, aga arvasin, et eks nad ise teevad neid endale ja see on mingi kättesaamatu värk. Kuid nüüd on mul endal rebasemüts ja elu on lill, sest Les Petites võttis asjandused müüki, kõik saavad ilusaks, jess. www.facebook.com/uthahats UTHA IS IN ESTONIA! I saw these creations in Riga on some really creative cool looking ppl and thought nah they probably make them only for themselves! Buut now I have a foxhat and life is a flower, in Estonia Les Petites took the hats in and anyone can bloom! For the WW shipping check out etsy.com/shop/UTHAhats